Comparison Review ActiveCampaign vs ConvertKit: Unbiased SaaS Showdown

In the ever-growing world of digital marketing, email marketing tools play a crucial role in the success of online businesses. With numerous options available, choosing the right platform can be challenging. Two of the leading contenders in this sphere are ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit, known for their powerful features and ability to deliver successful email campaigns. In this comparison review, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms, providing you with the information needed to make an informed decision.

ActiveCampaign is a comprehensive and versatile email marketing tool with robust automation capabilities, while ConvertKit appeals particularly to bloggers and content creators with its user-friendly interface and straightforward functionality. Both platforms have their unique selling points and are trusted by many businesses worldwide for managing their email marketing needs.

To help you decide which platform is the best fit for your needs, this article will delve into various aspects of ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit, such as their pricing plans, ease of use, customization options, analytics, and more. By the end of this comparison review, you should have a clear understanding of the features and benefits each platform offers, enabling you to make a confident decision regarding your email marketing strategy.

Make your choice

About ActiveCampaign

Screenshot of activecampaign website

ActiveCampaign is a powerful and versatile marketing automation platform designed to help businesses and digital marketers streamline their email marketing, CRM, and customer relationships. Its features cover a wide range of marketing and communication needs, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

One of the main strengths of ActiveCampaign is its robust automation capabilities. Users can create automated workflows that help nurture leads, increase conversions, and engage customers at different stages of the sales funnel. The platform also offers advanced lead scoring and goal tracking, enabling businesses to prioritize their prospects and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

ActiveCampaign’s email marketing features are equally impressive. Users have access to a wide range of email templates that can be easily customized using the platform’s drag and drop editor or by editing the underlying HTML. This enables businesses to create eye-catching and professional emails that meet their specific needs. The platform’s deliverability rates are also known to be high, ensuring that emails reach their intended recipients.

Another notable feature of ActiveCampaign is its CRM functionality. The platform helps businesses manage their leads, contacts, and sales processes with ease. Users can assign tasks, track interactions, set up automations, and get an overview of their relationships with customers and prospects. This comprehensive CRM system is a valuable resource for sales teams and digital marketers alike.

Adding to the list of features, ActiveCampaign also offers landing pages and a form builder, allowing users to create high-converting landing pages and forms to capture leads and grow their subscriber count. Integrations with popular tools like WordPress make it even easier for users to incorporate ActiveCampaign into their existing digital marketing infrastructure.

To ensure a smooth user experience, ActiveCampaign provides access to a knowledgeable support team through chat support and email support, assisting customers with any issues they may encounter along the way. The platform’s analytics and tracking capabilities also help businesses monitor the performance of their email campaigns, identify areas of improvement, and take data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing efforts.

In summary, ActiveCampaign is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that offers a wide range of features to help businesses with their email marketing, CRM, and customer relationships. Its automation capabilities, customizable email templates, and advanced tracking and analytics make it a formidable tool for marketers looking to improve their digital marketing strategies.

Make your choice

About ConvertKit

Screenshot of convertkit website

ConvertKit is an email marketing software specifically designed for content creators, small businesses, and digital product sellers. Its user-friendly interface paired with powerful functionalities makes it an attractive choice for businesses looking to streamline their email marketing efforts.

One of the strong points of ConvertKit is its ease of use. The platform is designed to be beginner-friendly, with an intuitive email editor allowing users to create and customize email templates effortlessly. Moreover, the software offers seamless integrations with various platforms like Facebook Custom Audiences, allowing for efficient marketing strategies across multiple channels.

Another notable feature of ConvertKit is its landing page builder. Users can create and design landing pages without the need for any technical expertise. This landing page builder enables the easy creation of opt-in forms, which help in capturing leads and growing subscribers. In addition to that, ConvertKit provides A/B testing capabilities, enabling users to optimize landing page performance and improve conversion rates.

ConvertKit offers a robust automation system that allows users to build sophisticated sales funnels and automation workflows. This functionality helps streamline various processes, such as sending abandoned cart emails and triggering targeted messaging based on user behaviors. The platform also supports subscriber scoring and segmentation, which allows for personalized content and better targeting of email campaigns.

In terms of pricing, ConvertKit offers a free plan for businesses with limited subscribers and a paid Creator plan that unlocks more advanced features, such as advanced reporting and detailed analytics. The platform also has a Plus plan targeted at larger businesses requiring more extensive marketing solutions.

The email marketing software is also known for its solid deliverability rates, ensuring that messages land in subscribers’ inboxes effectively. Moreover, ConvertKit offers a migration service for those looking to switch from other email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Drip, making the transition seamless and hassle-free.

While ConvertKit has numerous pros, there are a few cons to be aware of. For instance, the platform might lagging behind some competitors when it comes to advanced features like site messages, split testing, or integration options. However, for those looking for a user-friendly, feature-rich, and cost-effective email marketing solution, ConvertKit is a viable option to consider.

Make your choice

Round 1: Best UX

Round 1

When comparing ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit in terms of user experience, there are several vital components to consider, including ease of use, editor, email editor, and design aspects.

ActiveCampaign boasts an intuitive interface that caters to users of varying experience levels. With a clear, logically organized layout, navigating through the platform is straightforward for both beginners and experts in email marketing. The visual automation builder streamlines the process of creating and implementing marketing workflows, further enhancing the user experience.

ConvertKit, on the other hand, has a reputation for being simple and user-friendly. The platform specifically targets content creators and aims to make their lives easier with a minimalistic design. Users can quickly grasp the basic functions, making ConvertKit an ideal choice for those who are new to email marketing or seek simplicity in their tools.

When it comes to the email editor, ActiveCampaign offers a plethora of customizable templates, accompanied by a drag-and-drop editor. This combination allows users to create professional-looking emails with ease. In addition to the standard text and image blocks, the platform also supports custom content blocks, allowing for further personalization of emails.

ConvertKit’s email editor focuses on minimalism and ease of use. The platform opts for a text-based editor, with an emphasis on content rather than design. ConvertKit users can include images and basic formatting in their emails, but the options are significantly fewer compared to ActiveCampaign. The simplicity of the email editor aligns with ConvertKit’s target audience who value quick, no-frills email composition.

The design aspect also plays a crucial role in determining the best UX. ActiveCampaign provides users with a wide variety of responsive email templates, ensuring that emails look great on any device. Moreover, the platform also allows extensive customization to match branding and style preferences, catering to businesses and individuals alike.

In contrast, ConvertKit emphasizes simplicity in design, opting for a minimalistic, content-first approach. While it may not provide the same level of customization as ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit appeals to those users who prioritize content over design.

Overall, both ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit offer strong user experiences tailored to different audiences. ActiveCampaign caters to a more diverse user base, providing comprehensive customization options and a powerful email editor. In contrast, ConvertKit zeroes in on content creators, offering simplicity and ease of use. Ultimately, the best UX will depend on the individual user’s needs and preferences.

Make your choice

Round 2: Features Comparison

Round 2

ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit have a lot to offer when it comes to features, which can make finding the perfect fit for your business an interesting challenge. In this section, we’ll compare the features these platforms provide, focusing on areas like email marketing, automation, and integrations.

ActiveCampaign has a robust and intricate email marketing suite, which includes features like split testing, customized templates, and advanced reports. These tools allow users to create personalized and engaging email campaigns that can be easily tracked and refined. On the other hand, ConvertKit offers simplicity and ease of use when creating email campaigns, with streamlined designs and an easy-to-navigate interface. Its focus on creators makes it particularly suitable for bloggers, podcasters, and marketers wanting to engage with their audience in a meaningful and visually appealing way.

For automation, ActiveCampaign stands out with advanced capabilities that enable users to automate complex marketing strategies with relative ease. With triggers, actions, and conditions, businesses can target specific segments of their audience and ensure that messages are delivered to the right people at the right time. ConvertKit has a visual automation builder, which simplifies the automation process, making workflows easy to create and implement. However, it may not be as robust for businesses with complex automations in mind.

When it comes to integrations, both platforms offer a diverse range of options. ActiveCampaign integrates with over 150 applications, including CRM systems, subscription management tools, and project management software. This extensive integration list makes it a versatile option for various businesses. In comparison, ConvertKit has fewer integrations but is tailored explicitly towards creators, covering major e-commerce platforms, membership sites, and landing page builders.

So, how do the two platforms stack up concerning pros and cons?



  • Extensive list of integrations
  • Advanced email marketing and automation capabilities
  • In-depth reporting and analytics


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for newcomers
  • Potentially higher costs for advanced plans



  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Tailored specifically for creators
  • Visual automation builder simplifies workflows


  • Less advanced automation features
  • Fewer integrations compared to ActiveCampaign

In conclusion, both ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit have their unique strengths and drawbacks, depending on individual requirements and preferences. By comparing these features, users can make informed decisions about the ideal email marketing platform for their specific needs.

Make your choice

Round 3: Price

Round 3

When comparing ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit, pricing is an essential factor to consider. Both platforms offer a range of pricing plans to accommodate various business sizes and marketing needs.

ActiveCampaign pricing structure includes a Lite plan, which starts at $9 per month for 500 contacts. The Plus plan begins at $49 per month, offering advanced features and CRM integration. Their Professional and Enterprise plans are available at $129 and $229 per month, respectively, providing even more advanced features and personalized support. ActiveCampaign also offers a free trial for potential users to explore the platform before committing to a plan.

ConvertKit, on the other hand, has a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers, which includes unlimited landing pages and opt-in forms. The Creator plan starts at $29 per month and offers extra features such as automation funnels and advanced reports. The Creator Pro plan is available at $59 per month and includes all the features of Creator, along with extra perks like priority support and deeper subscriber insights.

To help users choose the best plan for their needs, both ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit offer pricing based on the number of contacts. As your subscriber list grows, so will your cost, but you’ll also have access to advanced tools that streamline your marketing efforts.

In summary, while ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit offer different pricing structures, they both provide a variety of plans to accommodate businesses of all sizes. However, ConvertKit offers a free plan while ActiveCampaign has a free trial, which can be considered a deciding factor when comparing price and value. It’s essential to review each platform’s features and pricing in detail to determine the best fit for your specific needs.

Make your choice

Battle Decision: Convertkit Winner

Battle Decision

In this head-to-head comparison between ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit emerges as a clear winner for its focused approach on delivering a hassle-free user experience and its ability to drive sales through effective email marketing.

ConvertKit’s entire platform is built around simplicity and ease of use while still offering powerful features. Its intuitive visual editor and drag-and-drop interface make designing professional-looking emails and impactful broadcasts a breeze. This accessibility gives businesses the leverage to connect with their audience quickly, without the need to master complex technical skills.

Another area where ConvertKit triumphs over ActiveCampaign is in its emphasis on using email marketing to drive sales. The platform understands that email is the ideal medium for promoting products and services effectively. With its robust set of tools, users can create engaging content, trigger automated sequences, and build seamless sales funnels, resulting in significant conversions and revenue.

ConvertKit also offers a comprehensive suite of subscriber management and segmentation features. These solid capabilities help businesses send targeted content to the right audience, improving the overall effectiveness of their campaigns. Furthermore, the platform provides an array of templates and customizable forms that can be easily embedded into websites, giving users the power to increase subscribers and grow their email list effortlessly.

While ActiveCampaign does excel in certain areas, such as advanced automation and customer journey tracking, it doesn’t crystalize a convincing case for businesses that primarily seek a user-friendly and sales-driven email marketing solution. Thus, the decision lands in favor of ConvertKit.

In summary, ConvertKit wins this battle by providing a comprehensive and straightforward email marketing solution that caters to businesses with a focus on driving sales. Its intuitive interface, powerful features, and segmentation capabilities make it the ideal choice for businesses looking to grow their email list and boost conversions effectively.

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