Lightfunnels vs Convertri. Best Sales Funnel Builder Review
Are you looking for a sales funnel builder tool? Find the best sales funnel builder. Read our detailed comparison review of Lightfunnels vs Convertri.

Written by Shikhar Singh

Hopper HQ vs Later | Comparison Review | Best Instagram Planning & Scheduling Tool

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is the marketing term for the journey that potential customers go through on their way to buying a good or service.

What are the benefits of a sales funnel?

With a sales funnel, you can sell your products, forecast sales, improve conversion rates, and capture leads.

What is a sales funnel builder?

A sales funnel builder is a tool that allows you to set up the different parts that your sales funnel needs.

What is Lightfunnels and Convertri?

Both are sales funnel builders that help you sell your products through a custom built landing page.

For whom:

  • Small businesses
  • Ecommerce businesses
  • Enterprises
  • Agencies
  • Social media marketers
  • Freelancers
  • Coaches

They exist to:

  • Automate the selling process
  • Forecast your sales
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Generate more revenues

Alternatives to:

  • Clickfunnels
  • Groove Funnels
  • Instapage
  • Leadpages
  • Get Response
  • Unbounce
  • Builderall

Use Cases:

  • Generate leads
  • Sell products online
  • Sell courses



Best Sales Funnel Builder Platform

About Lightfunnels

  • Lightfunnels is a high-converting lead generation and sales funnel building platform with cutting edge E-com store features.
  • It lets you create beautiful and blazing fast funnels to help you sell your products with their simple drag and drop editor and add a variety of steps, A/B tests, upsells and downsells.
  • Yassir Ennazk founded Lightfunnels in 2018, he is also the founder of Scalify.
Hopper HQ website 2021 | Hopper HQ vs Later Comparison Review | Best Instagram Panning & Scheduling Software

Lightfunnels website 2021 | Comparison review

Lightfunnels Quick Walkthrough Video

Check out screenshots of Lightfunnels

Lightfunnels main website dashboard

Main dashboard

Lightfunnels Funnels Dashboard

My funnels dashboard

Lightfunnels Funnel Flow Dashboard

Funnel flow dashboard

Lightfunnels Analytics Dashboard

Analytics dashboard

About Convertri

  • Convertri is a funnel building software that is specifically used for creating landing pages, squeeze pages and sales funnels in general.
  • It is designed to help businesses create sales funnels or websites and manage orders, checkout processes, subscriptions and more in one central platform.
  • Andy Fletcher founded Convertri in 2016 because he believed landing page platforms could make things better.
Later website 2021 | Hopper HQ vs Later Comparison Review | Best Instagram Panning & Scheduling Software

Convertri website 2021 | Comparison review

Convertri Quick Walkthrough Video

Check out screenshots of Convertri

Convertri Main Dashboard

Main dashboard

Convertri My Funnels Dashboard

My funnels dashboard

Convertri Funnel Flow Dashboard

Funnel flow dashboard

Convertri Analytics Dashboard

Analytics dashboard

A sales funnel helps you deliver the right message to your potential customers before they make a purchase.

It helps you know what your prospects are thinking at every stage of the buying process.

It can help you take your business from zero to hero.

And to create these highly converting sales funnels, we need an effective sales funnel builder platform.

So let us see what is an effective sales funnel builder?

A sales funnel builder is a tool that allows you to set up the different parts your sales funnels need:

  • A landing page with a sign-up form or pop-ups to encourage visitors to sign up for your email list.
  • Automated email sequences and email marketing campaigns.
  • An eye-catching website and online store
  • An effective checkout page with a variety of payment options
  • Blogging features and webinars to create content that engages your customers
  • Marketing automation so you do not have to do everything manually

Today, we are going to evaluate both tools based on their suitability for effectively building sales funnels with the above in mind.

Thoughts about Lightfunnels for building sales funnels:

  • This allows you to create beautiful and highly converting sales funnels that include opt-in forms, checkout pages, and an online shop to sell your products.
  • With sales funnel templates and features designed for e-commerce, you can sell your products.
  • You can also import your products from Shopify and AliExpress.
  • You can add or import reviews and link them to your products.
  • You can add them to your funnels to show social proof and increase conversion.
  • You can use upsells and downsells with one click to increase your AOV.
  • With Lightfunnels, you can track your customers' behaviour in your funnels through multi-level pixel tracking to use in Facebook or Google.
  • You can send SMS messages to customers who have abandoned their order to win them back.
  • The currency conversion feature makes it easy for customers from all over the world to pay.
  • It also integrates with numerous apps to automate email marketing campaigns and other marketing efforts.
  • It will soon be integrated with Scalify as it is developed by the same team as Scalify.
  • Then, it will be the most desirable app for building sales funnels.
  • Sales funnel and social ads management on one platform. E-commerce sellers are going to love this.

Thoughts about Convertri for building sales funnels:

  • It offers a blank canvas like funnel page editor with a drag-and-drop feature that lets you create anything you want.
  • Convertri pages load incredibly fast compared to pages created with Lightfunnels.
  • Convertri's infrastructure is particularly reliable thanks to its own Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Another outstanding feature is the video functionality.
  • Not only are videos displayed almost instantly, but the page content can be adjusted based on how much of the video the visitor has seen.
  • Convertri integrates with autoresponders, Shopify, and Facebook comments.
  • Convertri's Facebook integration gives you even more reliable conversion data.
  • It empowers trainers and course providers by integrating with numerous webinar platforms like GoToWebine, WebinarJEO and so on.
  • One-click upsell features and two-step checkout help you increase your AOV.
  • Compared to Lightfunnels, there are more templates for sales funnels templates.
  • With its WordPress plugin, you can also embed your Convertri pages in your WordPress website.
  • You can import your funnel pages that you have created with other sales funnel builders in Convertri.

Thoughts on UI/UX:

  • As marketers, we are always looking for tools to make our sales and conversion funnels work.
  • I really liked the user interface and user experience of Lightfunnels.
  • The design is really great.
  • The workflow for creating a funnel, and tracking your results is really simple.
  • You can tell they put a lot of work into designing the user interface, which is well designed and easy to use.
  • On the other hand, Convertri's UI seems old-fashioned. The workflow to create a funnel is not as simple as Lightfunnels.

Final thoughts

  • Both the tool offers drag and drop functionality that makes it easy for someone without any design skills to create a high converting funnels very quickly.
  • Convertri has some advantages over Lightfunnels in better page speed and video functionally.
  • Lightfunnels comes with a unique easy to setup funnel builder that gives you a bird’s eye view of your customer’s journey through your funnel.
  • Its intuitive user interface and easy workflow leaves Convertri's UI/UX far behind.
  • So Lightfunnels is the winner in this round.

Final Rating:

Here are the ratings:

9/10 to Lightfunnels

8/10 to Convertri



Nothing beats a side-by-side features comparison

(Check the table below...)



Live chat support
Email support
Knowledge base & documentation
Facebook community
Custom domains
Manage orders
Import reviews
Payment options

Stripe, PayPal

Stripe, PayPal

Funnel templates
Funnel analytics



Real-time reports
Bump orders
One-click upsell
A/B testing
Pre-made sections
Content block templates
Clone a funnel
Share a funnel
Import page
FB conversion API
WordPress plugin

Funnel Flows

  • You can create funnel flows with both tools.
  • In Lightfunnels, you can create condition-based funnel flows with simple arrows.
  • In Convertri, on the other hand, you need to place your target links on different pages to create funnel flows.
  • Creating funnel flows in Lightfunnels is very quick and easy.

Opt-in Form (Landing Page)

  • With both tools, you can create an optin form (landing page) where you can deploy your lead magnet to attract leads.
  • You can create the pages from scratch or use pre-built sections and page elements.
  • Both tools allow you to select products for the optin form pages from our product library, which are automatically embedded.
  • Lightfunnels lets you customize your page for all devices, while Convertri lets you customize the page for desktop and mobile devices only.
  • Both also let you select files from their collections (that you have saved yourself).

Some unique features in Lightfunnels:

  • Custom HTML
  • Page style and layout
  • Layers features

Some unique features in Convertri:

  • HTML forms
  • HTML elements
  • Advanced element properties

Checkout Forms

  • With both tools, you can choose different checkout forms from the pre-built section or create them from scratch.
  • You can customize your checkout pages and add your preferred custom form fields.

Split Test

  • In both tools, you can split test your funnel pages.
  • In Lightfunnels, you have more flexibility as you can add more variants.

Timer (FOMO)

  • Both tools allow you to add a timer to create a shortage.

Shopping Cart

  • Both tools allow you to sell your products using the shopping cart feature.
  • You can add unlimited products in both tools.
  • In Lightfunnels, you can import products and reviews directly from Shopify and AliExpress.
  • Both tools support PayPal and Stripe as payment processors.
  • Abandoned order recovery via email and SMS is also available in Lightfunnels.


  • Both tools allow you to create new coupons and discounts for your funnels.
  • You can select products, the value of the discount, and set start and end dates.
  • You can also restrict the use of discount codes.


  • Convertri shows you page views, number of prospects, and revenue for all funnels.
  • Lightfunnels analytics allows you to view:
  1. Conversion rates (Leads, reached checkout, checkout, purchase ).
  2. Total sales and AOV
  3. Total orders
  4. Rate of returning customers
  5. Sales by traffic source and device
  6. Highest performing funnels and more
  • Lightfunnels also provides real-time analytics and a list of people who abandoned the order process.


  • Lightfunnels integrates with a number of apps to automate your funnels.
  • Soon, Lightfunnels will integrate with Scalify, which can be a game changer.
  • Similarly, Convertry also integrates with autoresponders, payment processors, webinar apps, and SMTPs.


  • With both, you can add webhooks. You can create webhooks with different apps that both tools integrate with.
  • You can select different events to create webhooks:
  • New Order, New payment, Paid payment, New order item, New contact form & New signup

Contact list

  • In both Lightfunnels and Convertri you can see the name, phone number and location of people who have entered your funnel.
  • You can create contact segments and download the list in CSV format.

Final Score Features:

  • With both tools, you can create fast and high converting sales funnels.
  • They also have nice funnel templates to get you started.
  • You can customize the steps and flow of the funnel in both tools.
  • This is because they both offer almost similar features for creating sales funnels.
  • Its a tie.

Here are the ratings:

9/10 to Lightfunnels

9/10 to Convertri





Lightfunnels Pricing Overview:
  • Lightfunnels offers two paid plans. Prices for the paid plans are $28 per month (Professional) and $49 per month (Business).
  • There is also a free Early Bird plan that is limited to 2 members.

Take a look at the pricing details of Lightfunnels:

Hopper HQ's Pricing | Hopper HQ vs Later | Comparison Review | Best Instagram Planning & Scheduling Software

Convertri Pricing Overview:

  • Convertri offers a single paid plan that costs $99 per month, but you can save 24% if you sign up for an annual subscription.
  • You can also try the tool for free for 14 days.

Take a look at the pricing details of Convertri:

Later's Pricing | Hopper HQ vs Later | Comparison Review | Best Instagram Planning & Scheduling Software

Final thoughts on Pricing:

  • At Convertri, we can create 25 funnels for $99 per month.
  • With Lightfunnels, on the other hand, we can build unlimited funnels per month on both plans.
  • Lightfunnels plan costs $28 and $49 per month, respectively.
  • And if we want to automate our marketing.
  • We can integrate both tools with Zapier.
  • For 10,000 tasks/month in Zapier, it costs $193 dollars per month extra.
  • But 1.5% and 1% transaction fees on top of Stripe and PayPal processing fee in Lightfunnels plans makes it less desirable.
  • Overall, Convertri has a better pricing plan than Lightfunnels.
  • So, Convertri is the winner in this round.

Here are the ratings:

8/10 to Lightfunnels

9/10 to Convertri


Battle Decision


The battle has come to its final decision, and this time it's a tie.

Let us see why?

UI / UX:

  • There is a big difference in UI /UX of Lightfunnels and Convertri.
  • Lightfunnels has an intuitive interface and a very simple workflow.
  • Convertri on the other hand has an old fashioned UI.
  • Lightfunnels also offers live chat support to guide new users, while Convertri does not.


  • Both tools allow you to create sales funnels for your business or customers.
  • They both have almost similar features.
  • So when we look at the features, it's a tie.


  • Lightfunnels offers two plans, while Convertri offers a single price plan.
  • With Lightfunnels, we have to pay 1.5% and 1% transaction fees in addition to the payment processor processing fees.
  • Convertri, on the other hand, has no transaction fees, making it the clear winner in the pricing round.

Final Thoughts:

  • There are many sales funnel builders out there.
  • Some offer fast loading page speed, some are inexpensive, and some have unique features.
  • Lightfunnels and Convertri both are a great mix of above.
  • Convertri's accelerated page technology loads huge pages in less than three seconds.
  • And with Convertri, there are no transaction fees beyond the processing fees of PayPal and Stripe.
  • On the other hand, Lightfunnels' funnel pages may not be the fastest of all, but they have impressive loading speeds.
  • Lightfunnels offers ecommerce-specific sales funnel features and integrations. So it's good for ecommerce users.
  • So do not rely on hope marketing.
  • This means waiting for word of mouth or talking to random people in the hope that a deal will come your way.
  • Opt for a sales funnel builder of your choice.
  • And skyrocket sales and, in turn, the growth of your business.

Now It’s time to MAKE YOUR CHOICE.